All programs are tuition based.
Child's birthday must be before October 1st of current school year.
Child must be potty trained
Sibling Discount
Registration fee is required to hold space and is NON REFUNDABLE.
Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child's soul. -Friedrich Froebel
3 year Preschool
Class Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Class Time: 1:00pm- 3:00pm
This class is an introduction to school as well as getting ourselves ready to learn. We will be focusing on transitions, basic everyday skills, letters and numbers, as well as learning who we are. We work in small groups and large groups learning number and letter recognition, fine and gross motor skills. Ours days also include learning to following simple one to two step directions and exploration with all different kinds of materials.
4 Year Kindergarten Readiness
Class Days: Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, and Thursday
Class Time: 9:30 am-12:30 pm
This class we are getting your child ready for Kindergarten and beyond. We are working on letter recognition (Upper and Lower case), as well as one and two letter sounds. We work on number recognition (1-20) as well as mathematical terms such as more/less, greater and less than. We are working on writing more and expanding our thoughts to be more than one or two words. We continue to explore, create and play as well. We hope that when your child leaves McKinley that they are not only academically ready for their educational future, but have mastered skills that make them feel confident in who they are and excited to move on.